Canning food or how to avoid getting botulism
Консервирование продуктов или как не заболеть ботулизмом 24.09.2018

The most dangerous microbe that causes food poisoning is Clostridium botulinum. It is widespread in nature. Its spores are found in the soil. It was first discovered in sausages, which caused an outbreak of poisoning in 1895. Clostridium botulinum develops in oxygen-free conditions, so poisoning can be associated with the consumption of poor-quality canned food, homemade pickles, as well as sausages, fatty hams, and large fish. If the rules for the manufacture of such canned products are violated, botulinum toxin, which is a very strong poison, may accumulate in them. In terms of the strength of its action, it surpasses all known chemical poisons.

Botulism is a dangerous disease that is characterized by primary damage to the central and autonomic nervous systems. Since it is difficult to immediately diagnose “botulism” in an adult patient,  the toxin is detected  in the test material.

In 2017, 4 samples from patients with a preliminary diagnosis of Botulism were delivered to the bacteriological laboratory of the RSE at the National Center of Expertise in the Akmola region, including gastric lavages from patient M., born in 1938, who consumed homemade canned food ( eggplant). Botulinum toxin, Clostridium botulinum type C, was isolated from this patient, after which anti-botulinum serum was administered according to the identified type. The patient began to recover. The remaining cases were not confirmed.   

Prevention of botulism lies in strict adherence to the technological regimes for the production of canned food in production. Centralized industrial processing of food products,  canning , and a storage system prior to sale practically eliminate the possibility of releasing food products that are dangerous to the population. Only possible violations of production technology are dangerous (insufficient  exposure  during heat treatment, non-compliance with temperature conditions, etc.). Strict  sanitary control  over the production of canned food, checking them before use, and removing bombed (swollen) cans are especially important. The main danger is posed by meat and fish products, and especially home-made canned vegetables, mushrooms and fruits. To prevent botulinum toxin poisoning, you should avoid eating canned food with damaged integrity, rusty lids, as well as canned food that has an unusual odor or has changed the consistency of the contents. It is also necessary to strictly observe the rules for storing canned food, sausages, hams, and smoked meats, in particular, store them at low temperatures.

Hygienic requirements for products to be preserved and for containers for their placement must completely exclude the possibility of contamination by pathogen spores, that is, all products and containers must be thoroughly washed before preservation.

If cases of botulism occur, the products that caused the disease must be confiscated and destroyed. All persons who consumed these products are subject to medical observation for 10 days and the administration of anti-botulinum serum.

Doctor of the sanitary-epidemiological service of the bacteriological laboratory of the branch of the National Center of Expertise in Akmola region

Kravtsova I.G